Sorry it took me so long to post! Like everyone else, the holidays have been a busy time.
I picked up Jive from New York and brought him home without any troubles. He was very happy to be home. He is now taking a much deserved break. :)
In closing my blog, I must say again how A M A Z I N G this experience has been. I am so thankful to have been able to do it. I have learned so much. So much about organizing such a trip, so much about actually completing the trip, so much about competing internationally, and so much about my relationship between my horse, friends, family and supporters.
Now the THANK YOU's
Thank you to my family who has supported me the entire way through my dream of competing at the YR world cup. They share my success as much as I do. Without them, I would not be where I am today. THANK YOU!!!
A HUGE thank you to my sponsors for this trip.
Ecogold, your saddle pads continue to impress me. They are wonderful.
Tack in a box. Thank you for your support.
Dressage Canada. Thank you for all of your help along the way.
Thank you to my friends. You guys are amazing. The whole way along, giving me so many words of encouragement and wonderful support.
And last but not least, my supporters! The letters and small notes of encouragement and good lucks were so touching. Just a small little good luck really made a huge difference, and I thank you for them.
Now, onto the future! I wish everyone happy holidays and a happy new year! I am off to my next adventure with my horse Key West. We'll see what the future has in store for us. But for everyone, I wish you...
Go have fun!!!
A few more pics. Enjoy!
All smiles.
My competitor...just kidding! That's Imke Schellekens-Bartels.
The award ceremony for the Grand prix and Young Rider classes.
Lotje schoots, the Young Rider Champion riding alongside Grand Prix champion Imke Schellekens-Bartels in the awards ceremony.
The young riders. We had a wonderful dinner party where we were able to meet and socialize. It was a lot of fun.
The outdoor arena at Ann Kathrin's Estate. So beautiful :)
Job well done Jive. :D You taught me so much.

Now full speed ahead with my horse Key West. Can't wait.